Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
Whoah... slow down tiger
I wish my comment was still up so that I could explain what I said because its obvious that you've missed the point of what I was saying and read too much into it. (I thought my sucker punch was clever too but I guess the mods saw through it  )
Ill try to summarise it for you then.
All I was saying is that the OP is misguided if he thinks dating a Japanese woman will ultimately lead to a fulfilling relationship simply because he has an interest in Japan. Instead of looking for caricatures of an essentialised notion he has of Japan to date, he would probably fare better if he dated a woman that actually shared his interest rather than reflected it.
I wasnt trying to demean cross cultural relationships.
Sorry for jumping the gun. As I said before, this is one of my favorite subjects to discuss, and it triggers my *debate instinct.* Get's me a little jumpy..
In continuation, I'd agree with you here. However, I don't recall the OP saying "I want a Japanese girlfriend because I'm interested in Japan."
If he, or anyone else did, then they are going about relationships completely the wrong way.