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Nyororin (Offline)
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02-13-2010, 06:56 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
That's really interesting. It is interesting it is the non-Japanese women they "confess" to. Maybe as an American guy I don't get the real story from the foreigners I meet in Japan. Certainly very plausible...
I was thinking and it may be a difference in area too.
There isn`t really a whole lot of popular-with-foreign-tourists stuff around here or many international universities / corporations, so it seems like the majority of foreigners in the area are those who were sent here... Often through Eikaiwa.

Usually it`s when there is more than one non-Japanese guy, and me. The same seems to be pretty much true for the other non-Japanese women I have talked to about it... So maybe it isn`t area.

Or I could just be really unlucky to have met an abnormally large number of obnoxious guys. If the guy is really obnoxious, they`ll go one to talk about the "size" of Japanese guys, etc... Until I say my husband is Japanese. And seriously, 9 times out of 10, they end with the exact line "Well, that must be a lot of fun in bed!" and laugh with a look of pity in my direction. Seriously. I am almost tempted to think there must be some sort of shared mentality with them.

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