Originally Posted by JoshAussie
So.. How, without talking to a black woman do you know what there lifestyle is like? You're classing them into a group due to your own pre-conceived notions. You're clearly racist and your attempt to state otherwise has been a complete failure, only clarifying my accusations.
2. treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and religious intolerance and discrimination.
EDIT: I'm happy to end this discussion here, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.
Okay, so what did I miss...?
I'm classifying them into a group? Okay, what group?
The group that I don't want to date? Sure.
I'll also second ending the discussion between you and me here. If you think someone who says "I have many black friends, and even one in my family, yet, I still don't think I could see myself in a relationship with one." is a racist, then by all means that is your opinion and you're entitled to it. Kudos to you for sticking with it.
Great debate. God bless