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alanX (Offline)
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02-13-2010, 08:43 PM

Originally Posted by Nokutetsu View Post
Hey. I think as a good boost to my personal study, I'll be going to Japan for a month in summer. But the only place I can afford is the guest houses like Sakura house, so my study will have to be outside of the 'home' so to speak.

But how can I do this? Where can I go that will have no English, and I can pick the language up? I'm not very sure where to begin.
Congrats on going to Japan this summer!
By the way, why do you choose a Sakura house? People have probably heard me recommend this to people a thousand times, but rental apartments are about the same price, and you have an entire apartment to yourself for monthly increments.

Apartments, Serviced Apartments and Guest Houses in Japan – GaijinPot Apartments › Serviced Listing

Just simply talk to locals. I do this daily, (although I'm not in Japan now) and I notice it helps my speaking, grammar, and pronunciation more than any other type of studying I've found. I don't really know of any other way to just simply "pick up the language" other than indulge yourself in it as much as possible while you're there.

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