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(#25 (permalink))
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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
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Join Date: Jun 2007
02-14-2010, 08:48 AM

I agree calv930.

Just because someone is white/black/American/British/Canadian/blond/red-head/brunette/etc. etc. etc. doesn't mean they are not necessarily targets for scams, even in a country as safe as Japan.

I do no want to disparage the OP, and I am really glad he posted his story, because this kind of thing can happen.

There are a few things you can do to make sure it doesn't happen to you.

1) If you are meeting a stranger for any reason, make sure you have their contact information. Especially most valuable is work info. Confirm what you can before meeting...even if that means calling their office to say "Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow." If that information is not available, be sure to do number 2.

2) Meet with a friend. In my most recent trip I wanted to talk with someone who worked at a particular retail store. I made my request to a woman in the store, and after talking in the store asked her if I could talk about her business over coffee, etc. Obviously that sounds suspicious so even with her agreeing I encouraged her to bring a friend or workmate, we met in a public place and she chose the location where the three of us had a bite to eat and talk.

3) Go to a location you are familiar with. Especially if you are not able to bring a friend or confirm contact information...go to a place you know, and know the staff.

4) Remember, Japan is like anywhere else, and if something smells funny, it probably is. There are no free lunches in Japan, so if someone wants to give you something for nothing, be suspicious.
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