Originally Posted by bELyVIS
You get one guess. 
Uh, I went through the thread and nobody uses the phrase "little geisha" asides from you, unless a post was deleted.
As to the other, if you were referring to my or Nyororin's comments "And often enough to be noticeable, it's always the guys who you can SEE why they have had bad dating experiences back home. Not always, but about half of all the ones who do this maybe."
That's a little different to "Only losers who can't get girls back home date Japanese girls".
I wasn't very clear, I admit, but I didn't mean they were losers, just that it was clear from some of the things they were saying (attitudes, annecdotes etc) why their prior relationships had gone sour and it wasn't entirely the girl's fault like they wanted to make out. Let's face it, it's rarely the entire fault of one partner as it takes two to tango. If you're dating someone of the same culture, speaking the same language, you expect it all to be right there on the plate. If you're from different cultures and there's a language barrier, then both parties expect to have differing approaches and will be more prepared to compromise and adapt because of it.
In someways that's an advantage if you can get past whatever it is that can foil a relationship. In others it just means it takes longer for that behavior to come out. This is not necessarily bum-hole behavior nor is it specifically related to what race they're dating, but it becomes like that once they get to Japan and find that there's a whole demographic of girls who are interested in them. Then instead of thinking "ok, my last relationship went down the pan and it was horrible, i won't make the same mistakes" it becomes more of a "It wasn't anything I did, I was just a victim of horrid *Insert country name* girls! But Japanese girls understand the real me!" and they have, naturally, a bunch of guys of similar experiences around to validate those thoughts.
Anyway, it's back to statistics. That "half" is only part of the percentage who are only there for the nookie and bragging rights. The other half probably do EXACTLY the same thing back home and would be obnoxious anywhere in the world, and outside of that are the homosexuals, the ones with girlfriends back home, the ones with japanese girlfriends but who don't act like giant...ego's when they're around other western guys, reformed bum-holes and all the single guys who are just generally nice people who don't adhere to stereotype plus sundries. So it's a largish chunk of the population but it's by no means all or representative. They're just LOUD and daggy and more likely to blast their opinions around.