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clintjm (Offline)
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02-15-2010, 08:34 PM

Originally Posted by MatthewQueree View Post
I assume, from what i've heard, this will extremely limited by employment opportunities. What are your views on this?

On the other side of things I understand the finance/administration work is a rather niche market and aimed towards those with university degrees and good connections, however, I am never one to shy away from work and have even resorted to building work and door work when previous made redundant, even if it was only for a short while.

Will this give a go attitude take me anywhere in Japan?

Your comments are appreciated.
Its true you will be limited in the professional salary man business work a Bachelors degree will provide in Japan.

Yes starting from scratch is most likely on the menu as you said.
Its possible this is not a bad thing though and you seem open to it. But of course its not easy, even in your home country.

Just be prepared for the worst in not being able to find steady work for a good while. Especially during this recession.

If you haven't lived in Japan for an extended period of time, then the cultural shock etc associated with that is ahead. Language too if you are not ready.

In the end, if you and your wife are willing to work in a traditional reversed roles for a very extended period of time as her being the main source of income, then you should be okay. For some personality types this may be a male pride issue in reversing these roles. Also the time line of if you are thinking about starting a family.

If you are compatible with the lifestyle there and if you are willing to study, find a new trade, skill or career, then Japan would be a good of any place to start fresh.

Despite some negativity you may see from a post or two here it is not impossible to find a new life in the situation you described.
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