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(#7 (permalink))
ArcadeOperator (Offline)
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Join Date: Feb 2010
02-17-2010, 10:12 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
First, buy this book.

I would say girl gamers are as common in Japan as they are in the US...not very. Girls that do play games tend to do it on handhelds or on consoles and at home.

The arcade world is essentially dead in the US, and Japan is starting to go that route, too. The most popular attractions are Puri-kura, UFO Catchers and medal/gambling games (which may not be legal in the US). I was just in an arcade in Kobe recently, and it had gone 100% puri-kura.

You say you are in a pretty good market for an arcade, but I am curious where in America that would be. As a business venture this is a very risky venue as you are entering the industry as it is essentially over.

If you have a secret or something different that gets people into your arcade, then great, but making an arcade that is going to appeal to women is going to be very difficult. I would be more concerned about making an arcade that appeals to ANYBODY.

Japanese arcades are full of puri-kura, and that is how they make their money.

You talk about bright and clear windows, but that is the opposite of logical in my thinking. An arcade should be dark, so the screens are clear, and gamers don't like windows, as people 1) don't like being stared at as they are concentrating in their games and 2) don't always want to advertise the fact they are in an arcade.
I am on the west coast, Northern Cali to be specific. Yes arcades are dead here for the most part but a still survive on life support both the west coast and the east coast. Partly due to culture and partly due to mis-management and the lack of interest of arcade operators. I believe I can deliver a better product in a market that is still interested in the arcade venue. Yes, a risky venture, and even its successful it won't make me rich in the slightest, I'll be lucky to break even. But this is something I'm passionate about so I'd like to give it a try.

The bright and clear windows thing is just about making it an inviting places, not a creepy and dark place. I'm in the gaming community and trust me on this gamers don't care about people seeing them in the arcade or the fact that they are spending their Saturday afternoon playing games. They couldn't care less in fact.

Also, about game centers dying in Japan. The only ones that are dying are the ones that catered to little kid games. The more mature ones, from what I understand, are still doing just fine. There are still about 100x more arcades in japan than in the US.
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