I really appreciate all of your guys (and girls

) input so far.
From what it sounds like, I was very misinformed about the girl gamer situation in Japan and I should totally give up my ideas for attracting girls because it's not going happen regardless how much I try. The girl gamer demographic isn't going to show up at an arcade for any reason.
Sign, discouraging, but oh well my place will just have to work with 99% males like every other arcade. I'm confident I can still be successful with just this demographic.
As for your other ideas about me diversifying, yes that's how I originally intended to run this place. Even though I want it to mainly be an Arcade, it will really be just a hang out place for 18-30 demographic with pool tables, alcohol (beer), tables and couches, wifi and such. Maybe about 2/3 of the space dedicated to arcade games and 1/3 of the space dedicated to pool tables.