Originally Posted by Sinestra
oh well not like everyone didnt see this coming and if people didnt then they are blind. I do have ever confidence that the US will eventually pull itself out of the slump that it got itself into and be stronger for it if it learns its lesson. But it will take years and there will be a lot of tough times ahead.
Timothy Geithner sure didn't see it coming and still would probably deny the issues.
I wonder thought
when the US begin to pull itself out of the slump though not to mention the time to recover. I don't see how its possible besides generations of recovery.
Originally Posted by Sinestra
I hate when people automatically assume the country is going to fall into the deepest level of hell. Americans power may be declining on some fronts but imo it would be nice if another country stepped in to pick up the slack on world issues. We will see how China handles it rising economic boom there is a risk and i read the Chinese are getting ready to revalue their currency.
People definition of hell varies though.
On the issue of another country stepping up on world issues... yes... yes that would be very nice.