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02-19-2010, 02:02 PM

Originally Posted by JoshAussie View Post
You mean like fighting "terrorism" in the Middle East?

"The Devil crept into Heaven, God overslept on the 7th. The New World Order was born on September 11"

Tech ftw lol.
No i dont mean Terrorism but America has its hands in to many parts of the world some good some bad. More often than not we sacrifice the well being of Americans for those abroad. What i want is to see more nations taking on responsibility. Natural disasters in other countries, Reigning in nations that do not have peaceful means ect ect. i would like to see more nations take a step and negotiating with countries that may be odds with world powers. In other words i want more cooperation and not so much put on Americas shoulders, granted we have done a lot of it to yourself but some of it is just how it works when youre superpower.

China and the US's economies are so deeply entwined these little spats every now and then dont really concern me that much. The media also *cough Fox News cough* likes to take a situation and portray it as 1000 worse than it really is. No one can predict the future all we can do is wait and see what happens and see how China handles its economic growth. I would prefer to see greater cooperation than the two countries sniping at each other.

China did let a could of US Navy ships to dock so in a way thats a good sign.

@ clintjm I do agree with you that time to recover and for real growth to start will take generations. But over time things will start to improve little by little. In my area we are already seeing signs of recovery. Its not super fast but it steady however where i live there are always jobs available but more so for people with degrees and high education. Im hoping that Americans have learned their lessons with relying on credit for all situations and start a method of saving and spending to spur economic growth. Im not even going to talk about Wallstreet because of what i would like to do to some of those people and the shady CEO's of numerous financial institutions. They are lucky Americans didnt go on a witch hunt for them with pitchforks and torches.

Last edited by Sinestra : 02-19-2010 at 02:20 PM.
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