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(#6 (permalink))
xyzone (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 301
Join Date: Nov 2009
02-20-2010, 12:34 AM

Originally Posted by clintjm View Post
I don't think "having balls" has anything to do with it. This guy was a home grown terrorist and suicide murderer. No different than the IRS building back in '95.

Seriously, he should of just paid his taxes and dispute the amount of tax or law of tax like everyone else. Not paying your taxes is just stupid. Complaints and dispute through the proper channels like everyone else and through free speech is the only way.

Looks like he complained and dodged various tax for 25-30 years. It seems like he just had a screw lose or two... obviously in hindsight.

Just happy he didn't survive by some miracle.
And of course that's a very convenient outlook to have. He's just a terr'ist. That's that. Speculate as to what "looks like" and be done with it because he criticizes the government. I don't condone what he did, but much of what that text says is absolutely true. They key point being that the gov't is run by corporations who only give themselves raises and business enhancements just like their purchased congressmen; most egregious instance being the bank bailouts that taxpayers have paid for so the executives who played casino can eject with their golden parachutes.