Originally Posted by IamKira
i don't like the fact that he had to kill people to get his message out, but i am glad he chose to do so anyway...
Which contradicts your next statement:
Originally Posted by IamKira
i could never support killing people unless it is in self defense
Which contradicts your next statement:
Originally Posted by IamKira
.. however, whilst i might not truly support it, i might be apathetic to it
<Insert Face Palm>
So you support it, are against it, and are apathetic to it. Awesome.
And then you contradict yourself back to the beginning:
Originally Posted by IamKira
yes to the skyscraper thing.. because then he'd be killing off useless ceo / top level execs who sit in their corner offices all day and pretend to be better than jack who's 50 floors down working the tiles and plaster work on a remodel of some office so that some mid-level exec can pretend to be more important than him as well.
So if someone is the CEO of a company they are automatically all of the stereotypes you describe....and
deserve to die?
I am all for corporate responsibility but statements like this are nothing short of immature.
Originally Posted by IamKira
i guess what i am saying is i don't want to support murder.... but sometimes i kind of have to .. sometimes it's the only viable option
And this is one of those cases? A guy that doesn't want to pay his taxes should have the right to murder innocent people?
If this is justifiable, then what is a case where murder of innocents is not justifiable?
I recommend you think really hard about endorsing death wishes on strangers and stereotypes.