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Tsuwabuki (Offline)
石路 美蔓
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Fukuchiyama, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan
02-20-2010, 01:43 PM

Well, I really hate when my 13 year old female students roll their skirts up so far, their hems are at the same level as their underpants. Interested parties don't even need to use the mirror trick or a carefully directed gust of wind. Why bother when the normal walking of the girl in question accomplishes the same thing?

Not really a fashion thing, I suppose. In my day, all of 14 years ago (ancient, I know), it was hems must not be more than an inch above the knees, and girls rarely got away with getting it more than two or three inches above that before being scolded.

The longer in Japan, the more I feel the leaders of second wave feminism, like Betty Friedan, are spinning in their graves. Oh... wait... this applies to the US as well. Third Wave and Fourth Wave have sorta let us down. When we started thinking Girl Power could really be represented by the Spice Girls, feminism was in dire straits.

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