02-20-2010, 01:56 PM
I skimmed most of the thread, because it got pretty frakkin ridiculous.
This is what I know: Stack flew an airplane into a building located in my and his hometown. He killed fellow Austinites.
Whatever his grievance, this was unacceptable. What makes us better than terrorists is that we don't resort to acts of terror in the name of political action.
I advocate self-defense, and in a given situation, I would even advocate civil disobedience. A rare set of circumstances would have to exist to justify armed revolution. This is not one of them. Congress has the right, enshrined in the Constitution, to levy and collect taxes. Despite the Tea Party insanity, there is no unconsitutionality about the IRS.
Stack was a terrorist, not a freedom fighter. His actions were not against a tyrannical refusal to grant rights and liberties (as the English did when they refused parliamentary representation to the American colonists).
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