Originally Posted by xyzone
Fine, let's call Joe Stack a terrorist. Labels don't really matter, anyway.
The current adminstration sure thinks they are important. I wonder if they will actually use the term terrorists.
Originally Posted by xyzone
You are naive. You should read the terrorist's letter. He touches on all of this.
- The "proper channels" are corrupt and biased in favor of the oppressors
I don't study nut-job manifestos in full in my spare time. His actions alone show him a sixpack short of a beer.
Nothing justifies what he did. That doesn't make me naive.
Originally Posted by xyzone
- "Voting them out of office" just means you pick one of two puppets in one system controlled by the same biased dynamic. Some lowly goofs can vote all they want for a 3rd party; they'll keep losing for their whole lifetime to the two party system, where at least one is controlled directly by the rich interests and the other just as well indirectly. You're voting for the same scam in a different package.
Sure this can happen if you get just the right combination of extreme right or left elected administration. But in the end the fail safes of the constitution kick in. Eventually the court system as needed.
Your saying the American system of democracy is broken, I beg to differ.
Originally Posted by xyzone
- The laws themselves are being controlled by the people you'd try to "hold them to it". Money talks and bullshit walks.
Caught with what? Don't you understand they don't get "caught" with anything by and large because they obfuscate legality and influence the system in favor of their interests. This is the whole point.
It depends on who and what law is being violated.
Those CEOs that steal and rob through breaking the law go to jail.
Those Government officials you take advantage of their position face the people who voted for and the people that he or she represents.
Originally Posted by xyzone
And most of it is just a brown load of glossy corporate fluff. Anybody that relies on TV "news" just to form an opinion is nothing more than a serf playing along -- and that is most of America --
If you don't use the press, how do you get your news? ESP? You need facts to form opinions. Not manifestos that have an opinion on opinons.
Originally Posted by xyzone
for instance, any talking point of liberal/conservative republican/democrat that you could probably come up with:
I'm not buying it. He was a nutjob because he had a suicidal rage, but it's just very comfortable to dismiss it all as a nutjob's ramblings because of two lines. We're talking about a man who killed himself in a rage and those closing lines seem like a middle finger to what he thought were the villains. I'm sure everyone is aware of how brainwashed conservative-impersonators feel about iconic dogma words such as "communism" and I'm sure Stack did as well.
It seems the IRS demanded his life savings and were going to take his house as well.
The final two lines were what sealed the deal. He was fighting to keep obtained wealth that was owed to the nation, while praising the logic of communism where nothing is truley yours.
The fact is, he didn't feel he was obligated to pay the taxes on the wealth he earned.
He didn't feel he was obligated to obey the law. The correct way is to gather enough representation to have tax laws changed. The incorrect way is to ram planes into buildings, destroying property that will surely more time and money and headaches, killing people and destroying families. That is what terrorists do. That, is a evil, greedy, nutjob. There is a special place in hell for such people.