Originally Posted by Seelenstolz
Hello folks
At July 1st, I will set my sail to japan and was wondering what for options someone from a foreign country has mainly with jobs
I heard from some friends of mine (currently one is somewhere near tokyo) that it isnt really bad to work part time as... (I probably know what for replys come) teacher at junior / high school there ;o of course when you have chances to get another one it is better, but I would be glad to hear some advices as an aspect to be prepared ;o at least 
Let me get this straight...you are going to Japan without a work visa, and want to get a job?
The general strategy is to get the job, get the visa, and then go with nothing to worry about.
Since you won't have a work visa, legally no company can hire you. Now, you can get a job in certain industries, i.e. hosting, bartending, construction, etc. but in my experience getting a teaching job will be very difficult.
Are you from Germany? Getting a job teaching English for a German will be that much harder.