02-21-2010, 10:29 AM
Let's recap:
Skills? Minimal.
Japanese ability? Minimal.
In Japan, there are two generations now of educated but unemployed/underemployed individuals. The first was about ten years ago. The current crop of university graduates could turn into a second "lost generation." Add onto that the number of south and southeast asians that have minimal skills and minimal Japanese that will work for a whole lot less than you are used to living on in one of the world's strongest and largest economies, and are used to tighter quarters and a significantly lower standard of living.
We get these sort of questions all the time, and frankly it's always the same advice we dispense: have a marketability. I'm an English teacher. It is what I trained to do. This means I have marketability. I know someone who is a smooth talker, and a great salesman. He works with real estate managers to help foreigners find apartments. He has marketability. I know lots of different foreigners with many different nationalities and languages, but they did their research, and they came here with a combination of skill sets that made them marketable.
It's not about what jobs are available, because even in this economy, jobs most certainly are. The question is why should I hire YOU and not someone with X and Y?
Sorry to rain on your parade, but that's just how it is.
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