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(#19 (permalink))
RobinMask (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 618
Join Date: Mar 2009
02-21-2010, 06:45 PM

Originally Posted by atheistwithfaith View Post
You say the British accent is less desirable, but when I was in Japan I stayed with a guy (an American) who ran his own language school and he said the Japanese still hold a belief that "English English" is the correct way of pronunciation and so being from England works in your favour just as much as being from somewhere in America with a neutral American accent.
I imagine it'd depend on the employer as to what version of English they prefer. In my experience abroad though foriegners often say that American English is much eaiser to understand and comprehend. When I was in Greece I found that the British accent was much more of a hinderance than the American, for some reason it was just harder for the Greek speakers to grasp, whilst they understood American perfectly. Added on to the fact American is much more widely spoken, and a foriegner is more likely to encounter American English in media etc., I'd personally think it'd be preferable to the British accent. (I could be wrong though, but that'd be my take on it).

Last edited by RobinMask : 02-21-2010 at 06:49 PM. Reason: spelling corrections
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