Originally Posted by delacroix01
Since there's this thread, I think I should ask some questions as well. Now that there are 5 levels, which one should I start if I take a Japanese class? Should I start at level 3 and then go to 2 and 1, or should I take 2 at first try? I think I'm still not good enough to take a class in the next 3 years, so I'm wondering about the proper method when I'm able to take it. Can anybody give me an advice?
My understanding is that
N5 = old 4
N4 = old 3
N3 = something between old 3 and old 2
N2 = old 2
N1 = old 1
I'm of the opinion that nothing is worth taking except N1, and N2 could be useful as a precursor to studying and taking the N1. The N1 is very difficult, so the N2 would be a good way of learning what it's like to take a JLPT before taking the hard one.
Anything else is a complete waste unless you are taking it to test out of courses or something.