Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
It will be much easier for you. The high-level Japanese words often are related to Chinese and have a similar pronunciation. For example, 使用 is "use," and the pronunciation is "shiyou," which sounds a lot like the Chinese, which is also "shiyou," right?
Also, if you can write 漢字, then you'll learn a lot quicker because that is a major block for students.
Grammar and pronunciation are usually much different from Chinese, but there are a lot more advantages if you speak Chinese than if you just speak English! I went to a university in Japan, and the Chinese students there had much better Japanese than the Anglophones (US, UK, Australia, etc.). The Koreans were better than the Anglophones, but not as good as the Chinese.
thanks for your fast reply.
使用 in Chinese is shi yong

, i'm afraid i would start reading kanji by the Chinese way and get laugh by japanese students.
I read about Japanese language before hand and i got very confused with the On and Kun readings of kanji and the sentence construction is super confusing for me.
o and i also memorized all hiragana characters i think but not katakana.
is there any very very very good sites to help me with so i don't get laughed?