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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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02-22-2010, 08:01 PM

Originally Posted by jesselt View Post
So many people seemed really concerned about learning Japanese as fast as possible. It takes Japanese natives how many years from the time they start school to learn all of the standard Kanji? And learners want to learn them all in like 2-4 years? Good luck.
4 years is doable for anyone of average intelligence with a desire to do so. Period. Hands down. Full stop. End of story. I had 1200 under my belt within three years of starting Japanese, and I was barely trying.

But agreed on the "learning Japanese" part. You can get very good if you study for a couple years and then move there for two straight years and speak Japanese at every opportunity. I pulled JLPT2 after doing that, but only living in Japan for one year. If I'd have been there another year, I would have likely hit 2000 kanji. Not sure about fluency, but my profs in the US told me that I could approach fluency (not native, obviously) if I stayed for two years, but not for one.

Of course, MMM's and Nyororin's statements call that into question.

The point remains: Japanese is not a four-years-and-out endeavor.
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