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JF Ossan
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02-22-2010, 08:27 PM

Originally Posted by jesselt View Post
So many people seemed really concerned about learning Japanese as fast as possible. It takes Japanese natives how many years from the time they start school to learn all of the standard Kanji? And learners want to learn them all in like 2-4 years? Good luck.
Well said, Jesse.

For native English speaker Japanese study will generally go at 1/3 to 1/2 the speed of studying something like French or Spanish.

This means It takes two to three years for a student of Japanese to be at the same comprehension as it takes a student of French in one year.

Although someone might consider themselves fluent in French or Spanish after four years of major study, I would be suspicious of any university program that promises fluency in Japanese after four years. That level would take 8 to 12 years of study...which is why immersion is so useful.
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