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Nyororin (Offline)
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02-23-2010, 12:43 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
That's very nice of you to say, Kyle, but I think Nyororin is well above where I am at.
I`m really flattered.

I think that MMM is probably a bit above me when it comes to business correspondence. I haven`t actually seen any written by him, but he has a lot more experience with it than I so I am making the assumption.

I don`t really have much trouble watching the news unless they get into detailed political stuff - and then it becomes a combination of not knowing the terms and not knowing the workings of Japanese politics enough to "get" what they`re saying. Reading the newspaper is a lot better in this area as the kanji themselves give hints.
Made me feel a lot better when I was watching the news with SIL, and she asked FIL the exact same thing I was confused about... It seems she "got" around the same level of it as I did. About the same deal with the high school boy I teach, so I`ve come to the conclusion that unless you`re interested in that sort of thing to begin with chances are you`re not going to understand that much of it even if you`re a native speaker. Even in English, your language knowledge depends upon your interests - you`re going to know a lot less vocabulary pertaining to things you have little interest in.

My big weakness is handwriting kanji. As I never took part in any study program or course, there was never any dire need for me to memorize the writings... So I can read very well, but will die if anyone asks me to write things out by hand.

If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.
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