Originally Posted by RickOShay
Umm without knowing anything about your situation, I would say she is saying you maybe need to be more sensitive about how she feels, and not only think about yourself when you guys talk.. but that is just speculation since I know nothing about the two of you. Or she could be in general just saying you are too dense (like a lot of guys) and need to open your more sensitive side.
It sounds like a lot of girly mumbo-jumbo to me, but you just gotta smile and put on your "yes ma'am face", cuz the only way men can ever really win against women (and their feelings) is to lose.
Sir,you are a genius!i guess you hit the spot!
Even if all of this sounds like a girly mumbo-jumbo,i'll do as she says gladly.Not because i have to but because i care about her.The thing i'm still not sure is if she's telling me this as a suggestion for future possible encountefs with other persons, or if she's telling me this because, even if she's not interested in a relationship right now,she kinda wants to try something with me in the near future!?