Originally Posted by Sashimister
I have always respected and admired your knowledge and judgement, and I appreciate the things you do on JF for all of us. This hasn't changed one bit even now but I want to state the folowing.
The feeling is mutual, without a doubt.
Originally Posted by Sashimister
A post in a forum is a post in a forum, not a composition or research paper.
True without a flaw.
Originally Posted by Sashimister
Do you seriously expect members to make 2-page-long posts that is completely free of any kind of overgeneralization everytime they want to post? If that's what's expected of me, I'll never post again, especially when discussing a cheap, 4-dollar-a-pack sushi that doesn't even use fish, let alone raw fish.
Absolutely not. But when generalizations are made that include me and my location that are not true, I will pipe in and give my 2 cents.
There ARE places outside of Japan that serve good sushi. I am lucky enough to live in one, so I will let the world know. Like you said, it's a forum. I am lucky enough to live in a place that doesn't generally have "4-dollar-a-pack sushi that doesn't even use fish, let alone raw fish" and I am not defending those places, I am just saying not everywhere outside Japan is like that.
That being said, even grocery stores that make and serve raw sushi generally are delivering crap. It is cheap with cheap cuts of fish that are often bland and tasteless. That's why I never buy them...but obviously some people do.
I am reminded of the sushi served at Safeco Field in Seattle. I think it is the only ML baseball stadium in the US that serves sushi. It wasn't so bad (though very overpriced...but that is to be expected).
Originally Posted by Sashimister
If you don't know what Kroger is, you haven't been around much.
Even a Tokyoite like myself has been to Kroger many times.
I never said I have been around much. I just said your description of sushi outside of Japan didn't fit where I live. Probably 95+% of my life on earth has been spent either in the NW US or in Japan. That's my circle of understanding, but I have lived long enough to understand it well. Like I said, I can't say anything about anywhere else.
Originally Posted by Sashimister
I've eaten sushi in about 20 of your states and I've seen all kinds, and it's "generally" true that it's hard to find a sushi place in your country that satisfies me, who has been eating sushi for 50 years. The exceptions are mostly but not exclusively found on the west coast and around NYC. However, even in San Francisco, where one might expect the best sushi in the U.S., there are aweful sushi places. Do you expect me to mention all these exceptions when I want to make a comment on the often-horrible supermarket-bought sushi outside of Japan? Who would even read it if I did?
I didn't call you a liar. I just said that where I live your "truism" is not true. You don't need to write two pages, but "with a few exceptions" would have been enough.
If you are ever in Portland let me know. We can go get some pretty darn good sushi. As good as the best in Japan? Probably not, but as good as decent sushi in Japan at a reasonable price.
I agree about San Francisco. I have only eaten sushi in a few places there, but it was nowhere near as good as the stuff I eat in Seattle and Portland for the price we were paying.
Originally Posted by Sashimister
I defend your country as if it were mine here in Japan, making it a tough solo act at times. I've done so even at the cost of near ostracization among my own circle. Now I merely state that sushi outside of Japan is crazy because they use hot pepper, stir-fried vegetables, fruit, etc. to make it and I'm called the King of Overgeneralization. That's hard to take when I personally think I've eaten more sushi, both in and ouside of Japan, than any other members here.
And that is much appreciated.
It is very possible you have eaten sushi in more places than anyone here. And your opinion is duly noted and respected.
I didn't call you the King of Overgeneralization...or any names. I just said your description of "sushi outside of Japan" doesn't fit where I live. Nothing more.