02-25-2010, 04:36 AM
Sigh. My learning of food words hasn't progresses as fast as I had hoped. Shocking.
I put together a list of words based on the link Columbine provided and CityofTrees, 109 words in all. I was hoping at this point to have learned most of them and I could move on to actual menus, but I'm only about half done, and I only have about 6 weeks left to study.
So I'm wondering if anyone could do me a favor and critique this list. For now, I'm just interested in words I would find on menus. I'm sure there are words here I wouldn't see (e.g. do I really need to know how to read 8 different types of seaweed?), and I'm sure there are very common words on menus that aren't listed.
Any help is appreciated!