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Tsuwabuki (Offline)
石路 美蔓
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Location: Fukuchiyama, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan
02-25-2010, 08:41 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
Furthest lane? You mean on a right turn? The rule isn`t the far lane, but the left lane.
On a four lane street, and I have never seen a six lane street, the far lane IS the left lane- in Japan. In America, of course, the furthest lane would be the right lane, and is a big no-no. So I say furthest, to cover the fact that we are crossing traffic, regardless of which side we are driving on.

In Texas, at least, because of some weirdly constructed intersections, you would be looking at a ticket for doing that. It's dangerous because it is possible in some situations the person crossing the intersection in the furthest lane may have a signal allowing them to do so while you are still allowed to turn into the closest lane.

Since I have a car in America, and drive there when I visit, I cannot think in terms of left vs right, but rather Japan, far, America close. Otherwise I confuse myself.

And I knew fully well what I was supposed to do. I didn't do it because my inner voice, after driving a decade, was shrieking at me saying "YOU GONNA GET HIT!" Much like your Aunt, it violated the basic principles drilled into me as a teenager, and it took my acceptance that the course was devoid of other traffic in order to allow me to come to terms with these differences.

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