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(#19 (permalink))
RickOShay (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 604
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: USA, formerly Shizuoka for 7 years.
02-25-2010, 03:02 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
What is important is going through the motions. It shows that you know what to do should you have to do it. Answering a multiple choice question is a lot different than actually displaying the ability. That is what a test is.
This is what makes me disagree with your argument.. to display their ability?? Oh you mean that thing called... "walking".. and using ones sense of "sight" to make an extremely common sense deduction.

"In case of that flat tire, have you mastered the art of walking around your car and using your eyes to see if it is flat?" Seriously.. there is nothing being tested here...

If it was the law to walk around and check your vehicle every time you got into it here I could understand having it on the test. But the fact that 99% of people 99% of the time do not do this.. and yet.. it is part of a "driving" test, and if you do not do it you fail..... nonsense.

The fact is this "preventative measure" or whatever you want to call it is completely pointless unless it is done 100% of the time. And really even what is it preventing.. pretty much nothing.. even if you are too dense to notice that you have a flat at worst it will probably just ruin your rims..

Instead of focusing on silly stuff like this, maybe they should test if people actually know how to drive the speed limit, stop for red lights and WATCH WHERE THEY ARE GOING! Because with the amount of times I have almost been creamed by negligent drivers, I would really be surprised if they focus on that stuff... (now, I'm sure they would not pass somebody for doing this stuff either, but my point is there are way more important things than checking your tires that should be address during a drivers test)

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
No matter if people think it is totally silly, my opinion still stands. If it is too much bother to do just once for the driving test - an event that is obviously not "real life" - then the testers have every right to doubt that you`ll do all the other truly necessary stuff in real life.
Why would somebody honestly have the right to doubt a person's ability to do "truly necessary stuff" because of their inability to take time out and do ridiculous nonsensical stuff?
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