Originally Posted by StueyT
Haha know what, I came back on here because I thought back to that. I realised my mistake but you beat me to it! Bah!
But yeah, I understand how to use them, don't worry.
And eating a wasabi ball is no punishment to me. I love the pain 
Just so you know, there are more than もらう and あげる. There is basically (I forgot there were this many!) やる、あげる、さしあげる、もらう、くださる、くれる 、いただく. These are, in various ways, "to give" and "to receive." They're also important when saying if someone performed an action for another.
There are subtle ways in which you use these, and it's a bit daunting at first to learn them.
You already know one more than likely: くださる.
食べてください! Please eat it! (lit. something like "Give me
you eating it!" to display the function of くださる there)
ピザをください Please give me pizza.
食べてくださる to eat for another person (not in the pregnancy sense AFAIK)