Thread: もらう
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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02-25-2010, 06:37 PM

Originally Posted by Yuusuke View Post
Just learned a new phrase

A に (こと) を もらったん です。

A に (こと) を いただいたんです。
they gave me something

how could I go and say. (I) gave someone something?
Depending on the power relationship between you and the person whom you gave something to:
XくんにYをやった。 (dogs, etc.)
XさんにYをあげた。 (regular people)
XさんにYをさしあげた。 (important people)

Note: I wouldn't use やる unless it's someone you feel comfortable using おれ around. General rule of thumb that doesn't actually explain it perfectly. But I think for someone trying to get a feel for when to use certain things, I think it's a decent guide.

But generally, I would just go with (さし)あげる until you feel comfortable branching out into less polite forms of Japanese. And this doesn't have terribly much to do with whether you're using the plain/polite form with someone.

I'd use あげる or あげます depending on the person I'm talking to, not depending on whom I gave the thing to.
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