Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
Edit: I am pleasantly surprised that Japanese people want nothing to do with those awful books. There is no Wikipedia entry for them! Huzzah!
Err, they`re best sellers in Japan too. But sold as Twilight 1, 2, 3 etc... So there is no "Breaking Dawn" entry.
Wikipedia is here.
Personally, I think they fit in really well with the Japanese female aimed light novels. In fact, I`d say that`s pretty much what they are. 2 or 3 light novels smashed together into one big book. (And split apart again for sale in Japan)
If you`re looking for fine literature, look elsewhere. But most light novels aren`t, so they fit in perfectly there. In fact, they`re usually introduced in media pertaining to light novels, so I am guessing I`m not the only one who feels this way. Something to flip through for a couple hours while on the train for mild amusement.
I read them just to see what they were, and they fall into the same ranking as... say... 伯爵と妖精, 彩雲国物語 and the like. Something to read, be mildly amused by while reading, think "I can write better than that, hands down. Maybe I should really work on finishing up a book if people can sell this and make money..." and then toss onto the bookshelf with all the other light novels. It`s when people take it serious that things get weird. They`re time killers, not deep literature.
Anyway, you won`t find any of the weird obsession with the series in Japan. There are too many competitors in the same category.