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(#595 (permalink))
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YuriTokoro (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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02-27-2010, 03:16 AM

Originally Posted by Koir View Post
Essentially, yes. Though lately I have been referring to them as French fries mainly because that is how they are written in restaurant menus. I was a lot younger when the miscommunications happened during the U.S. visit.
In Canada, restaurant menus say “chips”?
In most cases in Japan, you don’t have lots of choices. Side dishes are set.
You don’t need to say about your side dish here, except in McDonalds or that kind of restaurants.

I would call the parsley (green leafy sprig) garnish as that's not strictly needed to enjoy the steak entree. The vegetables I would consider a "side dish" that adds to the visual appeal of the meal and give you something other than the steak to taste.
The parsley is “garnish”, and the potato and carrot and corn is “side dish”, right?

That was my error. If it happened only once, using the past form for completed action, and your original description is correct.

I wish I could have a chat with you in Japanese!!
Maybe one day, Yuri.
You promise?

Hello, I may not understand English very well and I may lack words but I will try to understand you.

If you have questions about my post or Japanese customs, don't hesitate to ask.

I YamaP
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