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ShadowChampion (Offline)
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02-27-2010, 04:54 AM

Ah I see. ^^
For brainstorming and developing ideas, I use a mentally dangerious method of letting the brain run and store everything inside the brain, instead of writing it out. I'm trying to kick that habit and record the ideas out. One way I'm trying to do that is what I like to call the "ABC bridge method" where u start with one event, and end with another, and inbetween fill in the gap that leads to that event.
(Ex. (A) Guy walks to door - (bridge) guy puts his head to the door to check if anyone is on the otherside, then slowly opens it before peeking through - (B) Guy walks through door.

In a way, besides a awesome friend ^^ (that won't be hard to find on an awesome site like this), I was also hoping for someone as a guide. Someone who already knows" what the bullet would do if you shoot it this way" (figure of speech)
Its really hard to find someone where I'am located, that would look more than what the picture is on the paper, but rather the story inbetween the pages and how the pictures carries the story on its shoudlers and passes it between panels and pages.

Entertainment - Quality - Dedication - Precision - Action - and other fairly big words...define
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