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Sashimister (Offline)
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02-28-2010, 03:51 AM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
This is a good chance for me to ask. I noticed you ended the first sentence basically in plain form, but the second sentence you ended with でしょう, not だろう. Then your third sentence again ended in plain form with ない.

I often feel like doing something similar. だろう just feels weird when I say it, but I hesitate to say でしょう because then it doesn't match with the plain form I've been using with a friend elsewhere.

So this is fine to do? Thanks!
You've raised an interesting point. I guess I hadn't even thought of this だろう/でしょう business.

I know for sure that I couldn't have used だろう when I said わかるでしょう to berrypie. The only female I would use だろう as a question-ender is my sister. The rest are all male, namely my male family members who are younger than me and my old male friends. Seriously, no one else.

To use だろう with a woman, regardless of age, that I only talk to on the internet is simply unthinkable. I would sound way too intimate. Moreover, I don't use だろう as a question ender with any males on the internet, either. This is because I don't talk to my real-life old buddies on the net.

You may use だろう if you're talking to a male friend that you feel very close to even if you don't know him in real life. As in any other language, we change our speech styles as we get to know the other person better.
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