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Sashimister (Offline)
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02-28-2010, 04:58 AM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
So it's OK to mix plain form with でしょう? Like,
そんなこと分からないよ!あすかちゃんも分からないで しょう。
See how I mixed the plain form in the first sentence with what I think is the "polite" form (でしょう) in the second?

Interesting. I've never thought of doing something like this before, and always just kept consistency across sentences!
「そんなこと分からないよ!あすかちゃんも分からない でしょう。」 sounds pretty natural. To make it sound even more, I'd say でしょ instead of でしょう. That would go with よ better.

I don't think too many native speakers would consider your second sentence as being "polite", though. With ちゃん and 分かる, it sounds fairly informal to me. Had you said something like あすかさんもお分かりにならないでしょう。or あすかさんもご存じないでしょう。, then I would have called it polite (and you would have sounded weird ).

I always seem to have trouble discussing plain/polite/informal/formal with Japanese learners. (This means I have trouble almost every day!) I'm the kind to go facepalm everytime someone tries tell me です/ます is polite or formal because that's considered so boringly average here in Japan.

It's like even though my family have been speaking Japanese for 2,000 years but I sometimes have a first-year Japanese learner tell me what to do with my Japanese. Not talking about you, KyleGoetz, though.
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