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02-28-2010, 06:23 PM

Originally Posted by peterv20 View Post
i really don't care for this gothic lolita fluff going around now.i love traditional "goth",black clothing,vampire and death beauty imagery.old school goth is mostly gone now with rozz williams dead for more than a decade and the early bands broken up...this goth lolita is just to frilly for me.
Not sure I agree with this...

If you'll compare romantic gothic and true gothic Lolita - and by this I mean the real old-school gothic Lolita, not the whole 'this dress could be covered in cakes and ponies and fit right in with the sweet crowd but it's black so it must be goth' idea that generally is either just black-and-white or kuro... you'll find the two not all so dissimilar.

Are you just talking about industrial/cyber gothic here? Because there is more than one type of goth, you know, and they're not all unfrilly! :3


(Not perhaps amazing pictures, and the first seems more steampunk, but for some reason Google seems to have something of a deficit of decent romantigoth photos.)


Perhaps you're confusing the term 'gothic Lolita' as a name for the whole fashion, rather than a subsection of it? Since there has been some confusion about that. Gothic Lolita should only refer to that substyle, not to the whole kaboodle of sweet Lolita, classic Lolita, oriental-inspired Lolita, and so on.

Personally I'm not all so keen on J-punk. I love it in Lolita or Ouji form, but oh boy do some of those people look scary!

Disclaimer: all opinions, expressions, exclamations and cake presented in the above are the personal thoughts of the writer only, and are as such not intended to represent any large group or other party.

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