02-28-2010, 06:39 PM
I don't think it's a matter of 'plus-sized Lolitas shouldn't exist!' or 'thin Lolitas look awful!' at all. No fashion should ever be limited to one's weight. One can look beautiful at any size. Saying anything else is just disgusting.
As for bigger girls not looking good in fashion: there's a girl in my year at college. She's a big girl, no doubt about it. She's not stunningly beautiful. She doesn't have the latest and greatest of every amazing designer ever, nor a tailor to perfect everything for her. She's just a normal girl, in normal clothes, and yet every time I see her my first thought is always, "Wow!"
She knows how to dress for her shape and colouring. She wears things that fit properly. She wears things that much smaller, prettier girls would never dare to, and she looks fabulous in them. She carries them with such confidence. Try telling her that her size stops her from being one of the most amazing-looking girls I know!
What does matter is that the girl dresses for her size and body shape. For instance, a high-waisted skirt with a big frilly-ruffed-up-to-the-neck blouse is probably never going to look good on a girl with a very big chest. An empire line dress is going to make an apple look pregnant. A really huge cupcakey skirt is going to swamp a very thin girl unless she wears big enough shoes and hair. An hourglass who doesn't define her waist ends up looking plump. So on and so forth.
The other thing that matters so very much is grooming. A Lolita can make the most incredible, flattering coordination ever invented but if her hair isn't done, her makeup is all over the place or her eyebrows aren't plucked neatly (I always think neat eyebrows make the most amazing difference) then she's just not going to look good.
A thin girl and a big girl will look equally beautiful if they are well done up and wearing colours that suit them and things that fit and flatter. Nobody can use weight as an excuse not to look their very best.
Disclaimer: all opinions, expressions, exclamations and cake presented in the above are the personal thoughts of the writer only, and are as such not intended to represent any large group or other party.
Things get really silly when people start to put disclaimers in their signatures.