02-28-2010, 07:24 PM
I've never been to Japan, but I want to go so much! I'd love to be able to find the indie brands that are impossible to get over here; some Atelier Pierrot stuff, for example. Or even just find a Baby, IW or Mary Magdalene! Internet shops are great, but being in an actual Lolita shop would be amazing for me.
Though I suppose that hotel fees, plane tickets and the like would be... well, rather more than shipping fees and custom duty, aha. Oh, well, it's always been my dream to tour Japan; see the fashions in Tokyo, visit the beautiful old shrines and temples, find geiko in Kyoto... ah me, now I'm getting dreamy.
Disclaimer: all opinions, expressions, exclamations and cake presented in the above are the personal thoughts of the writer only, and are as such not intended to represent any large group or other party.
Things get really silly when people start to put disclaimers in their signatures.