Thread: small question
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Sashimister (Offline)
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03-01-2010, 03:05 AM

Originally Posted by chryuop View Post
Weird thing is that I knew 僕 is used by young people, while 私 more by adult. So I started using mainly 私 since I am very close to 40 years old. In a couple of occasions I was told by native speakers that is sounded too "pompous" for me to use that word. Now I just use 僕...and I am always afraid to be too direct by using it (even tho MMM is right, it is easy to make conversations without using it).
That's not the way you change your pronouns. It sounds like you suddenly switched to use within your circle of friends. Am I correct?

We don't do that here. You basically use the same first-person pronoun all your life in your personal life. What we do is start using わたくし/わたし once we 're out of school and working. Even after that, most people stick with their old favorite pronoun to use in their personal lives. We switch'em around to suit the occasion.
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