Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam
『道路を渡った時お財布を落としちゃった』って事だよ ね?
When I crossed the road... じゃ変?
While I was crossing the road...っていうのも同じような意味になりますか?
お返事は遅くなってすみません。”while I was crossing the road" は "as I was crossing the road,"ト同じ意味になるが "when i crossed the road"は少し違いです。"I crossed the road" is in the Simple Past tense but "While I was crossing" is in the Past Perfect Progressive tense. だたら、先にお財布を落ちたの場合で、'While I was crossing"の方がいいですが、次の日に落ちたお財布につい て話しているの場合で、”when I crossed"の方がいいと思います。でも、多分その場合で、� ��の構文を逆はずです.
A: "what happened?"
B: "I dropped my wallet while I was crossing the road"
C: "That's weird; I dropped my wallet when I crossed the road yesterday too."
Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam
『彼の他の人対する意地悪な態度を見て、彼を嫌いにな った』
な~んていうのもこのas を使っていえるのかな?
as I saw him did a mean thing to someone(?)
as I saw him was mean to someone(?)
I got disappointed with him.
日本語の ~になる っていう言い方を英語にするのは 難しいな~と思うことが多々あります
Hmm~ this is difficult. I can't really explain why, but I would feel that "As I saw him be mean to someone, I grew disappointed with him" to be a little unnatural. It's not incorrect, but it needs context. I'd possibly say "upset" or 'dismayed' instead of "disappointed". So "As I watched him bully someone, I got really upset," or maybe just "I was upset when I saw him bullying someone."
Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam
直線ってことは as xxx as は like みたいに似てるだけじゃなくて、かなりイコール(=)に近 いってことかな?
have a lovely weekend!
ああ〜ごめん、このぶんを分かりません。しかしas xxx as はlikeと同じみたいと思います。 でもasはこの場合でもう使い方と意味があるはずです。
ね〜Y−さん ”have a lovely weekend”は日本語でなんですか?よく”have a good day"日本語で聞かないでも。。。