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(#14 (permalink))
allhailhata (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 97
Join Date: Jan 2010
03-02-2010, 05:06 PM

Originally Posted by luce View Post
Thanks a mil for your suggestion allhailhata!

I checked the prices to sleep in Miyajima but are too expensive, therefore won't stay there for the night.

The hostel in Koyasan is fully booked. Our choice is now between Fukuchi-in (the only one with the onsen) and Shojoshin-in (close to the cemetry).
We can't decide which one is the best. The price is quite the same. Any suggestion?

We don't want to sleep in Osaka because we can get the last train at 23:00 (11pm) to get back to Kyoto.
Instead of Miyajima,you can find inexpensive accommodation in Hiroshima easily in Japan forum.For example,
Hostel Hiroshima Guesthouse | Cheap accommodation for Backpackers or budget traveller in Hiroshima
There is accomodation for backpackers in Miyajima. Backpackers Miyajima (Hatsukaichi, Japan) - Hostel Reviews - TripAdvisorBRAND-NEW hostel "Backpackers Miyajima" is for all budget travelers! Only
Sorry for inappropriate links.I didn't know your budget per night.

If I give only one advice about your original itinerary ,"Himeji + Miyajima 1 day tour" from Kyoto is too hard.

I can't say which is better in Koyasan.Because I have not stayed in both.
But I think distance from the cemetery is not so important.Fukuchi-in is close to Kongoubuji temple,but a little far from the cemetery.Shojoshin-in is opposite.
In addition ,Kouyasan is not so wide and buses are running. I walked from Kongoubuji temple to the cemetery and used bus for return trip last year.
If I choose, Fukuchi-in.Because it is closer to convenience store(maybe only one in Koyasan).
It doesn't mean Fukuchi-in is better as accommodation.

On the way to Fukuoka,you don't need to sleep in Osaka.Because you will stay in Kyoto.
But on the way back to Tokyo,I don't think you must avoid Osaka.

Last edited by allhailhata : 03-03-2010 at 02:38 AM.
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