03-02-2010, 05:31 PM
I never attended a school that required uniforms. I was accepted into a private school when I was 10, but my parents couldn't afford it, so I had to stick with public. I was actually looking forward to uniforms because it would mean that it's easier when it came to getting ready for school. No need to spend forever deciding on what you're going to wear if you already have the outfit ready for you.
I don't feel that it would take away one's "uniqueness", that's what after school is for.
They had school uniforms at my younger cousins' elementary schools (they're 16/19 now, though). They never complained about having to wear them.
Anyway, I'm all for them. I doubt kids would be bullied for what they're wearing because they'd be wearing the same thing as the bully and less time having to shop for clothes for school. It might even come out cheaper.