Originally Posted by Jaydelart
I'm planning on going to college within the next year or two, depending on my circumstances. I'm almost completely clueless on how things will work, so I've been doing some random research. During my search I always end up at the same question: What will your major be?
It's not really a question someone else can answer for me, so instead, I'd like to hear what you guys think. Those that haven't gone to college included.
What are your interests? In the future, what would you like to choose?
Or, What did you major in? What helped you decide which to choose?
Also... I have a lot of friends that have chosen Psychology as their majors. I've also heard a lot of other people say they've majored or intend on majoring in psychology. The thing is, I'm skeptical most of them have any genuine interest or appreciation for the study -- just the status of having studied it.
I'm not sure what to think of it. Has anyone else noticed something similar?
My best advice is to wait until you complete your first two years of undergraduate work before deciding on a major because it'll be to late if you decide early. The reason why all students are required to take general education courses is because schools what students to gain a "breathe of interests." For example, I was set on majoring in Biology but after I took a Psychology course I've changed my major and who knows I might triple major along with Linguistics.
Psychology is a very interesting subject.
I made an essay for my composition class regarding this matter. If you want to read it I can send you a copy or post it on here.