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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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03-03-2010, 05:33 PM

Originally Posted by TenshiChan View Post
These are the characters:

Does it maybe make sense now? Was I wrong?
You were fairly close. It's still gibberish. It's poorly written, and it says heart one person fire fire or heart one person blaze (the last two kanji, which are repeated, are written like two kanji, but could be someone very awful at writing kanji's attempt to write one kanji that has "fire" in it twice: 火火 vs 炎). I bet he was trying to say something about how you're the one person for whom his heart blazes. Assuming that, what he wrote is read こころひとりほのお (kokoro hitori honoo). But it is gibberish.

It's just another example of a noob trying to be cool by writing Japanese. I did the same thing when I was 12 years old, lonely, and bullied.
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