
I'm LuzZelenia, I don't usually introduce myself on new forums I usually just more so post on whatevers on my mind as if I'd always been there haha but I can't figure out for the life of me how to change my avatar, I've figured out how to pick and choose from the available list of avatars but is it possible to post up your own being that its within the size recommendations and what not? so its more of a question rather than an introduction, I haven't worked my way around the forum very much so I'm not sure where to ask this, its got a bit different of a set up than the forums that I'm a member of.
Anywho, since I'm in here I might as well introduce myself! as I said, I'm LuzZelenia

I'm 14 and I'm from New England, I'm here cuz I love Asians haha, I think I got a bit of an Asian fetish I love video games and music, I listen to allot of foreign bands (not just Japanese) allot of Jrock and basically all types of rock, my favorite bands Tokio Hotel, I'm sort of a computer nerd and well, just a nerd in general haha anyways, HI!