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TenshiChan (Offline)
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03-03-2010, 09:32 PM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
You've apparently never studied a foreign language before. There are degrees of knowledge of a language. For example, I definitely know and speak Japanese, but I sure as heck can't read the Bible in Japanese! I would need help understanding phrases, and that's an essential method of improving my knowledge.

Don't confuse the issue. My point was that you have never studied Japanese, so why should I help you?
Why not? I'm not welcome if I don't know any Japanese?

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
You misconstrued my point as something different: whether you speak Japanese. There is a huge difference.

It means what you asked for. You asked for a translation, I gave you one. Why would I give you something else in Japanese you didn't ask for?

Heck, I even referred you to a dictionary entry for about 90% of what I said.
I meant could you please tell me the words as I don't know those characters, so I can't pronounce what it says.

I'm sorry I don't know any Japanese, but I really want to learn.
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