Originally Posted by racer7
i was also thinking - how seamless would check in and check outs be at hotels?
I'm wondering if i need to right off a day just to arrive check in (half a day) then check out (half a day). Could get annoying unless theres some good tips to reduce time-wasting.
You don`t have to wait until the set time to check out, nor do you have to stay at the hotel after you check in. Let us say check out is 12pm and check in is 4pm. You can wake up, be ready, and check out early at 8am. You can also check in at 4pm, put your bags in your room, give the desk the room key and head out - coming back at 11pm. The only thing you need to be sure to do is to come back before the doors lock - which in city hotels is usually quite late (if at all).