Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam
Thank you for your kind lecture!
right... I think I understand "while" and "when"... thank you!
No problem. I'm just glad what I wrote makes sense!
Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam
I guess he stopped trying hard to show me how great person he was... he was still very nice to me and all, but I had to see him being not very nice to others...especially to someone like....a waitress or a waiter at restaurants.He doesn't have to be very friendly to them but he doesn't need to be bossy to them.
So I liked him as a good friend, but I have been losing my...mmm what? I don't know what noun I should put here... about him.
Everytime I see him I get disappointed little by little...
If I see him like that one more time... I probablly won't meet him very often.
I think Koir is right and the word you want is 'interest' or I would say that I was growing more and more "put-off".
Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam
just like you said
just as you said
Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam
have a lovely weekend!も
have a good day!も
たとえばこれから旅をする人やパーティーにでかける人 には
have a good time!という感じで
「すてきな週末を!(お過ごしください)」 とか
「良い一日を!(お過ごしください)」などとメールで 書いたりします
でも口に出すには違和感があるためほとんど言うことは ありません
ええ〜なるほど。それから、そのような金曜日の「じゃ ね」時では日本人は「すてきな週末を」と言うの代わり に「また来週ね」や「お疲れさまでした」や「元気でね 」を使っていますでしょうか。
Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam
different cultures (languages) have different ways of greetings!
I mean...Good morning is not really the same with おはよう(ございます)
Am I right to think...
Good morming is like... "(It's a) good morning" or "(have a )good morning" ?
and "morning" means "AM" right?
Mm, I'd say in modern language that's correct. Originally though "good morning" meant "God give you a good morning". Interestingly, "Good Day," and "Good Night" are used to say goodbye, and "Good Morning," "Good Afternoon" and "Good Evening" are used to say hello! おはようは『早う」と意味ですか。フランス語であまり "bon matin" 言わないんです。いつも、”bonjour(文字どおり:いい日� ��"を使います。でも'bon nuit"があります。変でしょうね〜
Originally Posted by yumyumtimtam
"元気(ですか)?very often " as in "How are you?"(BTW this "as in" makes sense here?)
I would say お元気(ですか)? when I would like to know if someone (who isn't there ) is 元気...
こんにちは~ようこさん! then, blah blah blah...
ところで だんなさんはお元気?
or I would say it only when it's been a while to see that person.
「ようこさ~ん 久しぶり!元気?」
That's the right us of "as in"
When I first learnt Japanese they only told us how to use 元気ですか, but when I got to Japan I only used it a few times before I realised most people seemed to use お元気 more.