Originally Posted by ByTheWay
I would be grateful if someone could help me.
I want to write that someone is good at cooking, singing and playing the accordion. I think I might need to use plain form with こと.
I'm not sure if this is correct but, by my attempt is:
りようりと うたうと アコーディオンを ひくことが じょうずです。
No spacing, please.
cannot say うたうと. Unlike りょうり, which is a noun, うたう is a verb.
「りょうりと、うたと、アコーディオンをひくことがじ ょうずです。」 <-- Good and natural.
If you really want to practice using こと, you may use it thrice.
「りょうりをすることと、うたうことと、アコーディオ ンをひくことがじょうずです」 <-- Correct but wordy.